Tips to Getting the Best from Your Out of Town Gigging
- 7 min read
- Mar 4, 2024

Most blogs related to music business will only advise you to grab chances to perform out of town in order to expand your reach over time. Many sites, in fact, give you tons of advice on how to approach out of town gigs. However, most of these ideas are nice to discuss but difficult to catch up with in real life.

You might often confront a question as to how to get a gig in an area where you never know anyone. The tougher question would be how to get a decent number of audience turn up for the event. Here are a few ways to make your out of town gig a worthy investment.
How to get the best from your out of town gigs
∙ Expand your community beyond your locality. You can do this by attending to local conferences, and by making local connections. Involve in online communities and be available for searches on social media sites and sites like
∙ Never make inappropriate requests to strangers. Reach out to artists similar to you in your area. Be prepared to help others and be polite when someone needs your help.
∙ Booking gigs with other artists will help you expand your audience. Do this with people you know already and whose topics are similar to yours.
∙ Do not strive for gigs that need a draw in the area where you have none. This is a waste of time and when you play for two to three random people at a bar, you will look unprofessional.
∙ Be sure of your goals when you try to book for an event. Know which type of audience will be interested in your music and the kind of spaces where they usually hang around. When you book an out of town gig, ask yourself if your goal is to reach out new audience or just to enjoy some travel and fun. Ascertaining your goals will let you create the situations that you will feel good about.