What You Need To Start a Podcast that Attracts High Profile Guests

  • 7 min read
  • Mar 4, 2024
Let's assume that you now have all what you need to start a podcast, but you're still not satisfied with the level of podcast growth. If you are at this point, another goldmine to explore will be to book high-profile guests for your podcast. A caveat, though; there's no assurance that booking a few high-profile guests is enough to skyrocket your podcast listeners. What you need to start a podcast However, podcast guests are quite important to the growth of podcasts. If you can attract high profile guests, your podcast show will be better for it. These high-profile guests will bring along their audience, followers, and mentees. There's a likelihood that some of this audience will stick around your podcast. Depending on the success of your guest, you might be getting a continuous flow of listeners to your podcast. If you can surpass the expectations of this audience, you might end up gaining a new set of listeners. While attracting amazing clients is not a guarantee of increased podcast listeners, it's worth giving a try. Here are a few strategies you can try out to attract amazing clients to your podcast;

1. Attend Conferences, Seminars and Other Industry Events

This is arguably where you can get the best podcast guests for your show. Endeavor to make a habit out of attending conferences, seminars, and other networking events. You are better off building a face-to-face relationship with your potential guests than sending an email. You'll be surprised at how approachable speakers are than you think. While attending any event, wait for the right moment, walk up to the speaker and introduce yourself. While introducing yourself, introduce your show and find a link to what they just talked about. Please don't make the mistake of asking them to be a guest on your podcast at that point. You need to have a way of making them more interested in your show; you can then ask for permission to discuss this further via call, email, or social media. If you make the mistake of trying to book an interview at that point, you'll likely get a NO.

2. Look Into Your Existing Network

This will be your first source of guests while you're still waiting for a response from speakers you met at events or cold emailed. There will be someone in your network that can be regarded as high-profile; this could be a friend, family, old schoolmates, or even your mentor. If you are brand new, one of what you need to start a podcast is to take advantage of your inner circle. At least, it's easier to ask an acquaintance to be a guest on your podcast than a total stranger. We'll suggest that you draft out a list of anyone you would like to have on your podcast show from your network. Then reach out professionally.

3. Search For Guests on Blogs in Your Niche

If this is your strategy, you will never run out of high-profile guests. Look through some of the top blogs in your niche; there's always an endless number of experts you can bring to your show as a guest. There's a likelihood that your audience would want to learn about them. Imagine podcasting about digital marketing, and you bring Neil Patel to your show; your audience will go haywire. For every industry and niche, there are blogs with influential bloggers whose opinions and knowledge can help push the reach of your podcast. Check out these blogs; you'll be surprised at the number of potential interviewees you can reach out to. Find a way to get noticed by these potential interviewees, especially on social media. 4. Cold Emailing If you've found someone you think can be a great addition to your podcast, a cold email is how to reach out. A potential high-profile guest will have a website with their email or use the contact form on the website. Start by complimenting them for their work in the industry, then introduce yourself as the host of your podcast. Talk about your show's topic, audience, and statistics. You should then pitch them why you think they will be a great fit for your podcast show. Let them know that your listeners would be glad to hear their opinion about a certain topic. Don't expect everyone to accept the invitation to be on your show. Cold emailing remains one of the best ways to attract high profile guests to your podcast.

5. Referral From Previous Guests

As part of what you need to start a podcast, you can leverage previous high profile guests for guests. It's like snowballing from one high-profile guest to another. To do this without appearing like a leech, ask for their opinion on who they know is an expert on a certain topic. Usually, a high-profile guest is close friends with another potential guest with knowledge of the industry. However, ensure that you are not asking for this before an interview; this should only be directed to previous high-profile guests. Most importantly, ask for this favor only if you're sure that you've built a good rapport in your interactions.

Final Thoughts

High-profile guests are one of what you need to start a podcast, and you need to go all out to get the best guests. Success is highly contagious, and successful guests could help nurture your podcast show into an amazing podcast. Most importantly, you need to create awesome content as it's an important reason why these high-profile guests will heed your call. What you need to start a podcast that attracts high profile guests is to learn tocreate value-driven content that anyone wants to be a part of.