Podcast Marketing Guide: How To Promote a Podcast in 2024

  • 7 min read
  • Mar 4, 2024
We figured that you'd need information on how to promote a podcast in 2024.  This guide aims to help you figure out ways of promoting your podcast in 2024. Someone said starting a podcast is simple; keeping it successful is challenging. If you haven't heard, starting a podcast in 2024 is expected to be one of the major digital marketing trends of the year. By implication, you've got to work better and harder in 2024 as a podcaster. All of the ideas and information on podcast marketing in 2024 that you'll find in this guide were sourced from experienced and successful podcasters, podcasting conferences, Reddit posts, online forums, and marketing books. If you check Disctopia, you'll find dozens of podcast marketing resources. Ultimately, we are sure you'll experience increased podcast listeners. We'll not be describing podcast marketing or anything; let's jump into how to promote podcasts in 2024;

How to Promote a Podcast in 2024

  1. #Strategy 1: Create a Human and Relatable Voice
  2. #Strategy 2: You'll Win Hearts With a Purpose-Driven Podcast
  3. #Strategy 3: Pay Attention to Social Media Promotion for Your Podcast
  4. #Strategy 4: Bring Your Audience into the Fold and Create a Community
  5. #Strategy 5: Leverage on Your Podcast Guests
  6. #Strategy 6: Fresh, Relevant, and Timely Content All Year Round
  7. #Strategy 7: Do More Conversations and Less of Monologues
  8. #Strategy 8: Build a Personal Website and Brand Around your Podcast
  9. #Strategy 9: Share Stories, The Ones That Matter
  10. #Strategy 10: Optimize Your Podcast For SEO
In this piece, we'll take you by the hand and show you how to promote a podcast in 2024 only if you can implement most or all of these strategies.

1. Create a Human and Relatable Voice for Your Podcast 

Either you can connect your podcast show to the listeners on a human level, or no one will be interested after the first listen. The podcasts that people love create an emotional connection with their audience. You must create content that makes your podcast perceived as a friend, mentor, or guide. No one wants to hear soulless robots talk to them. This is why we are recommending this strategy as the first. Your podcast needs a human trait with a voice full of character. In the end, you'll never stop attracting your target listeners.

2. Win Hearts With a Purpose Driven Podcast 

According to Deloitte Insights, purpose is everything. This piece proved that purpose-driven brands witness higher market share and grow three times faster than their competitors. This position can also be juxtaposed with podcasting. If you'd like to grow your listenership faster in 2024, you'd need to create deeper connections with your podcast audience purposely. This way, your podcast will enjoy listeners, loyalty, consistency, and relevance. A piece by the Credit Union National Association further bolstered the position of Deloitte Insights. They established that purpose-driven brands outperform their competitors. Essentially, learning how to promote a podcast in 2024 should be purpose-driven. As a podcast brand, you must articulate your purpose for long-term success. See this as a mandate rather than an option.

3. Pay Attention to Social Media Promotion for Your Podcast

At Disctopia, we encourage our podcasters to pay attention to social media promotion. We are well aware of the potency of social media in promoting a podcast. Not to scare you, but your podcast niche has a lot of competition. However, taking the fight to social media could be a game-changer. If you study successful podcasters killing it, you'll see how serious they are with social media promotion. There are more than a dozen ways to incorporate social media promotion into your podcast marketing. You don't need to deploy all of these ways; take a few and take advantage of them. Don't leave out any social media; take the fight everywhere.

4. Bring Your Audience into the Fold and Create a Community

Promoting your podcast in 2024 will require building a community for your listeners. With a community, you'll see your listeners spreading the word about your podcast and striving for its growth. Building a podcast community isn't hard; you have to listen to the needs and yearnings of your existing and target listeners. You need to be able to foster authentic connections with your community. Know your audience and where to meet them. You need to develop a shared purpose that aligns with the interests of your listeners. Indeed, community building is crucial to the success of a business.

5. Leverage Your Podcast Guests

According to Joshua Schnell, the producer of Re: Growth, they knew their guests were crucial to their success at the planning stage of Re: Growth. There is no doubt that growing a podcast audience is difficult; that's the more reason why you need to bring on great guests and leverage their network. Most of the guests you'll bring to your podcast are ready to help you with some form of marketing; all you have to do is make it easy for them. Create enough promotional material for your guests by pulling quotes from their opinions, making audiograms, and letting them know when their episode will be released.

6. Fresh, Relevant, and Timely Content All Year Round

Fresh and engaging content takes time but is worth all the energy and investment. There's no better strategy to build a loyal fanbase for your podcast show than giving them relevant content at every episode. Every time they tune in to listen to your podcast, ensure you are serving them content better than the previous episodes. It's not easy coming up with fresh ideas occasionally, but make sure you never run out of ideas. Take advantage of resources like the Top 100 Podcast Ideas and TopicsThis way, you'd always have something fresh to discuss on your show. You'd find it easier to attract and retain new listeners in no time.

7. Do More Conversations and Less of Monologues

We've all seen what Joe Rogan has achieved with long-form conversations on his podcast show. If Joe could do it and succeed, nothing should stop you also. With the impact, relevance, and popularity of The Joe Rogan Experience, we've seen how powerful conversations with celebrities, influencers, and thought leaders can be. People are tired of the radio, so they listen to podcasts. Why will you now be producing podcasts that sound like a radio show? If you're interested in growing your podcast in 2024, you need to reformat your podcast from a monologue to a conversation. With a conversation, you will make it easier for your listeners to relate with you and your guest.

8. Build a Personal Website and Blog Around your Podcast

We hope you have a website and blog for your podcast show. If you don't, you are missing out on significant traffic to your podcast show. There's a crop of an audience that a website and blog attracts; you need them. Our guide on How to Start a Podcast emphasized starting a podcast website and blog heavily. While you have a podcast host, you can embed your show on your website. You are giving your audience options on where to listen to your show. One of the crucial pages you must have on your podcast website should be an About Us page. Make it descriptive enough to tell the visitors what your podcast is about. Most importantly, convince them to subscribe and listen to an episode of your podcast.

9. Share Stories, The Ones That Matters

When you begin with a story, you capture your listeners' attention and are inspired to stay for more. Any podcast content without the right story cannot lure your target audience. Capturing attention and engaging your audience are proven ways to promote your podcast in 2024. According to Groove HQ, implementing storytelling in podcasting can increase listeners' engagement by 300%. Storytelling in podcasting means you'd have to take control of the structure, emotions, music, pacing, and scenario. Podcast storytelling is a potent tool that helps you make an impact.

10. Optimize Your Podcast For SEO

Learning how to make your podcast rank is the best way to promote your podcast in 2024. According to Search Engine Journal, knowing how to make your podcast episodes SEO-friendly is necessary for gaining visibility. Start by making your podcast episode SEO-compliant. This can only be done by knowing the trending topics and keywords. Before recording an episode, conduct keyword research that you'll use in your podcast transcription. Another approach is to transcribe your podcast. Although this can be tedious, using the right keywords is the best means.

Key Takeaways on Podcast Marketing in 2024

Regardless of what you intend to achieve from podcasting in 2024, we hope this guide will bring you closer to these goals. However, the need for fantastic podcast content is at the base of successful podcast marketing in 2024. Then, you can start experimenting and implementing these strategies for promoting podcasts in 2024. Summarily, know that podcast marketing is a marathon and not a sprint. Think of promoting your podcast show as a constant and continuous activity.