Women are Killin': The Female Rap Artist Takeover
- 7 min read
- Mar 4, 2024
Cardi B, Megan the Stallion,
Well, I'll be the one to stand boldly and firmly in saying that "IT IS OUR TIME." Now, let's be clear. I am not discrediting the women in the rap game who have previously been taking gigantic strides, breaking records, and doing the undone; I'm simply saying that they have paved the way and set the tone for THIS. VERY. moment. Since the beginning of time, female rappers have had to prove themselves. They've had to work 10 times harder for half as much recognition and in some cases, the backing of their male counterparts was needed in order to be taken seriously or legitimized (Ex: Lil Kim/B.I.G., Foxy Brown/Jay-Z, Charlie Baltimore/JaRule.). I’ll admit, the idea that they have to work harder, may still hold true to the game, but overall, there's definitely been some undeniable changes.
Nowadays, female rappers can stand on their own two feet, vouching for their damn selves. They can create their own platform and create an image that supports how they feel about SELF, rather than an image based upon the vision, opinions or decisions of their male counterparts’. The once trendy "deep masculine voice" that we often heard from female rappers, is no longer a qualification either. Female rappers are in a space where they can be who they want to be, PERIOD. Male rappers meet your match-Women have taken over and it's honestly only the beginning. There's been a shift all across the board and the once gender biased criteria to be recognized as a true female MC is officially outdated. IT IS OUR TIME and we are flourishing! Shine baby, shine.