What Should I Start a Podcast About In 2023?

  • 11 min read
  • Apr 29, 2022
Should I start a podcast? The answer to this question seems straightforward. Of course, you can start a podcast…or not. As easy as starting a podcast, you don’t want your show to be among the 75% that will podfade after just seven episodes. The success of your podcast depends largely on your topic. So, before you jump headfirst into podcasting, you must carefully consider your podcast topic ideas. Okay, so now you ask, how do I start a podcast with a good topic idea? Statista recorded that comedy, news podcasts, true crimes, health, and fitness are some of the most popular podcast genres. Wait a minute! You have not found your podcast topic idea yet. Choosing your podcast topic from one of these genres does not mean it will stand the test of time. This is why it is important to know a good podcast topic idea.

What Is a Good Podcast Topic?

A good podcast topic is centered on the host, the audience, and the content. While you are producing your show with your audience in mind, you have to remember that the energy and passion with which you deliver your message will be the hook that will grab people’s attention. Hence, you must love the idea you want to present for it to be a good podcast topic. However, that does not diminish the importance of your target audience. There is no show without an audience. All great shows find what their listeners need and give it to them. First, you must identify your target audience, consider what they want from your show and deliver it. Finally, your content must be captivating and intriguing. Even if you love your topic and know your target audience, if your audio content is mediocre, people will lose interest quickly. Remember, for your podcast topic idea to be good; you must have passion for it, put your audience first and deliver excellent audio content.

How To Choose a Good Podcast Topic Idea?

While listening to your popular podcast online, you probably ask yourself, should I start a podcast? Then you begin to brainstorm the topic ideas to choose for your podcast. It might seem like an arduous task, but don’t be daunted. Here are some things to consider when deciding on the best podcast topic idea.
  • Identify your goals

Ask yourself these questions; what do I want to achieve with this podcast? Should I start a podcast to promote my business? Should I start a podcast for entertaining, educating, or informing? You need to be clear on the specific goal you want to achieve with your podcast. Your podcast goals will guide you on the topic you want to choose and the niche you want to carve for your show.
  • Find your target audience

Your audiences are the heartbeats of your podcast. Before you decide on the topic of your show, consider the demographic of your audience. Data has shown that most podcast listeners are between the ages of 12-and 34. Do you want to focus on these age groups, or do you want a more diverse audience? Research your podcast audiences and take the show to them. You can find your target listeners on social media, in local community groups, and use feedback you receive from your loyal fans.
  • Create content based on your passion

Don’t follow the bandwagon when choosing a podcast topic idea. If podcasters are making comedy shows, it doesn’t mean you must have a comedy show. Use your knowledge and experience to think up a topic. Answering these questions might guide you when choosing a topic;
    • What am I good at?
    • What do I love to do? This might be your hobby or pastime.
    • How much do I know about this activity?
    • Can I learn more about this idea or topic? Pick a topic where you can invite guests over or ask your listeners to contribute. As the show progresses, you can dive deeper into the topic.
  • Choose a unique podcast topic idea.

There is no rule that says you should not create content around a popular podcast topic or idea. If other podcasters have the same idea as you, then look at the topic from a different angle or perspective. Carve a new niche around the topic and make a new spin. For instance, you might be interested in true crimes podcasts, but many podcasts are already on the topic. What you need to do is to spin and weave it the way only you can. Bring new insights into the topic. Make your show worth the while for your listeners. Conversely, so you have a topic people hardly ever talk about. So what? Just ensure that your podcast topic idea is deep rather than shallow, captivating instead of boring, and refreshing rather than stale. Before you know it, you have become an authority on the topic.
  • Look forward to making money from your podcast.

Indeed, you will not immediately realize any revenue from your podcast, but at some point, you will have to start thinking about how to monetize your podcast. A good podcast topic idea must be profitable in the long run. It might be through sponsored ads or course content on your podcast topic. You can as well sell podcast merch to your listeners after you have created a loyal fan base. Money can be a motivating factor for you to continue your show. Podcast revenue is expected to be above $2 billion by 2023. If you want to choose a good podcast topic, decide on the various ways you can make money from the show. Remember that each new episode must be insightful, meaningful, and interesting before you can even think about the money aspect of the show. More importantly, you need to be consistent and dedicated about the episodes you produce to sustain the momentum after the first few episodes.

20 Podcast Topic Ideas to Start in 2022

1. Personal Finance

Personal Finance is a very wide area you can explore as you wish. You can teach people how to budget or talk about how to get out of debt. You can teach people how to create new sources of income, savings, investing, mortgages, and filing their taxes.

2. Sports Podcast

Be it sports news or updates, sports podcast is a genre where you will have an audience no matter what. For instance, you can pick a sport like football or tennis and dive deep into it. You can also make your show about sportsmen and women or look into some unexplored areas in the industry.

3. Ghost and paranormal

Do you enjoy horror stories about ghosts, paranormal, and other extra-terrestrial species? You can tell spooky stories based on facts or ask your audience to share their experience with a ghost or other spooky events. You can also invite experts in the field to answer questions from listeners about some scary encounter they might have had. 4. Politics Be it local or international; politics affect everyone either directly or indirectly. So, it is a good podcast topic idea for 2022. You can have a co-host where you will debate about current local politics. A round-table discussion where guests discuss government policies and their implications is also a good idea. Better still, you can find explore the humorous side of political situations.

5. Local news and current affairs

Do you have journalistic experience? If you can objectively report news in your locality, people will be glued to their phones waiting for your news podcast. You might focus on investigative journalism, where you bring to light hidden truth about events. Better still, you can analyze top stories in daily local news.

6. Digital skills

Digital literacy is a must-have skill in 2022. You might know a programming language that you can teach people. Web development, graphic design, content creation, or something as simple as how to get the best from smartphones are some of the niches you can choose under digital skills podcast.

7. Podcast about Podcasts

Podcasting is an area that has continued to rise in the past year. You can talk about podcasts that are rare gems, the best podcast in a particular category, or even teach people how to start a successful podcast. You can ask your audience to talk about some podcasts they find fascinating and why.

8. Ask the host

In an “ask the host” podcast topic idea, you allow your listeners to ask you questions about a particular topic. You can make it live question and answer or ask them to send their question in a mail for you to answer on the next episode. The questions can be about relationships, school, job, how-to, etc.

9. Celebrity news and interview

You can do a “what’s new in the celebrity world” show as a podcast. Give people the latest scoop about different celebrities. You can also invite celebrities for an interview on your podcast show. You can ask your audience to name their favorite celebrities and carry out a telephone interview with them.

10. Fashion and style

Are you a fashion fad? Do you know the latest trend in fashion? Then why don’t you make a podcast about fashion and style? You can teach people how to dress elegantly and spice it about favorite designers. You can also talk about models and how to become one.

11. Critique a book

Book review and critique podcasts will be ideal for people who read widely. Even if you do not read different types of books, you can choose a book category, and you will find like-minded people who will be your loyal fans.

12. Podcast about outdoor activities

A podcast about outdoor activities like paragliding, rock climbing, hiking, kayaking, camping, cycling, fishing, and paintball will attract outdoor fun lovers. You can talk about your experience or ask people to talk about their last outdoor adventure.

13. Talk about food

Foodies like talking about the latest recipe they discover. You can do a podcast on local food and how to make them. You can also talk about street food and food truck that make the best of a particular fast food and where to find them each week.

14. Paint a picture of exotic places

You can give people a glimpse of exotic places in the world through a podcast. By painting a vivid picture recommending where people can go for their baecation, family vacation, or group retreat, your podcast will get a significant number of followers.

15. Interview people about random stuff

You can compare different perspectives from people about mundane everyday issues. The interview can be with random people you meet on a bus, on the street, or with your listeners. However, the question can be on any issue that people seldom think about. You can even test people’s elementary knowledge. 16. Comedy Podcast I find humor in tense situations and can make people laugh, should I start a podcast on comedy? Why not? A comedy podcast is one of the most popular podcast topics, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go for it.

17. Legal Advice Podcast

A podcast can be a way to advise people on legal matters. You can talk about cases and ask your audience to be the jury. You may also teach people some aspects of the law that are rarely addressed but might come in handy for them to safeguard their rights.

18. DIY and 5-minute crafts

Everybody wants to know how to fix basic issues at home. A do-it-yourself podcast can be about a varied number of things like gardening, carpentry, sewing, plumbing, kids’ school project, papercraft, and interior designing.

19. Podcast about Security

You can make a podcast on how to be security-conscious, what to do in case of a break-in, or even basic self-defense.

20. Scientific Facts

Facts are fascinating. Your podcast can be about scientific discoveries or facts about the human body. You can debunk myths not supported by science or confirm information about a mystery.

Final Thoughts: What Should I Start a Podcast About In 2022

Choosing a podcast topic is not something you do on a whim. Before you answer the question, ‘should I start a podcast?’, think carefully about the topic ideas of your podcast. Does your topic get you excited? Do you have a target audience for your podcast topic idea? Can you monetize the podcast topic idea you are considering? If the answers are all yes, you are on the right track to creating content that can stand the test of time.

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