Sharing Your Album Trailer Can Help Build Anticipation For Your New Music

  • 7 min read
  • Mar 4, 2024

Album trailers in the form of short videos can adequately satisfy the short attention spans of the viewers. When used thoughtfully for promoting your music among a broader audience, they can help build anticipation for your new music. Short videos are viral on social media sites. Users of Facebook and Twitter are highly accustomed to viewing a lot of video content. The great appeal these videos can have among the viewers make them the best tools to promote your new music among more massive crowds of fans.

Some facts about album trailers

Your album trailer video must not be longer than a minute. If it stretches beyond, it will mean you are expecting the audience to commit. Even before they can click to play the video, they might get tired. Hence it is necessary to keep your album trailer a short one of not more than 30 seconds. In this way, you must be able to compress the essential message into easily digestible information.

Share the album trailer

Once you have prepared the album trailer video, you can post it on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, your music website, and other avenues. You can also circulate it through your email newsletter.

The essential characteristics of an album trailer

Though there are no hard and fast rules regarding what an album trailer must contain, you can put up these pieces of information including the artist name, album name, cover art, when it will be available and the URL of the music store or website or crowdfunding platform where the viewers can purchase it. It is a good idea to include audio from one of two of the new tracks.

Tips to make your album trailer stand out

A lot of things can be done with album trailers. Talking of the best approach for making a video trailer, you must understand that a video trailer highly invests in visual elements. Similar to what you do with music videos, you have a lot of options in front of you.

If you are working with a low budget, you can make the creative use of footage that you already shot for some purpose sometime back and readily available with you. Just mess with colors and include some excellent effects and add a simple text on top.

Since you are going to make only a short teaser of preferably about 30 seconds, you can also think of re-purposing the video content which will be used more elaborately later on.

Some good ideas in these lines can be some appealing clips from the music video, photographs of the band members, some stylistic shots of your music instruments or recording gear, studio footage, footage of a live concert, the album cover with some more informative text, footages of landscapes moving slowly, and videos taken from the moving car window. The last one is quite popular and will come in handy for atmospheric music.

For achieving some unique effect, you can also think of going to some abstract or associative graphic content.