Podcasting 101: Best Podcasting Resources You'll Need in 2022

  • 5 min read
  • Mar 10, 2022
You don't have to share the opinion that podcasting is expensive, complicated, or complex. It does not have to be if you have all the best podcasting resources you'll need at your beck and call. Podcasting is not what it used to be a decade ago, and there are tons of free guides scattered all over the internet. However, in between these guides, there will also be the junks. We'll be saving you the stress by pointing you in the right direction for every area of podcasting. If you can take advantage of these tools, you'll be able to get your podcast off the ground or improve it. Here's a compilation of all the best podcasting resources we think you need as a new or established podcaster;

How To Start a Podcast

  A quick search of "How to start a podcast" will lead you in different directions. We've selected a few from the numerous guides you'll find on the internet.

1. How to Start a Podcast: a 15 Step Guide

This guide by Disctopia is a goldmine that every would-be podcaster should read to learn about starting a podcast from scratch without an existing audience. All you need is to inject the same energy spent writing the guide, and you'll see how easy it is to start a podcast.

2. How to Start a Podcast STEP-BY-STEP, 2022 Complete Tutorial

This guide by Smart Passive Income focuses on how you can start a podcast from start to finish and build your audience. This resource will eliminate your worries and confusion about starting a podcast.

3. How to Start a Podcast: 7 Things These Experts Say You'll Needby Rollingstone. 

As a balance to the first resource, you can count the opinions of popular podcast hosts on how to start a podcast relying on their experience. In this guide, you'll find expert opinions on choosing equipment and keeping the audience entertained.

4. How to Start a Podcast in 2022? (Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide)by Findstack. 

Let's say you've thought of starting a podcast and don't know where to pick up from; this guide will hold you by hand through the basics.

How to Start a Branded Podcast

Podcasts are now an avenue for businesses to reach their target audience. To help your business start a branded podcast, leverage on these resources;

1. 14 Essential Tips For Starting a Branded Podcast Target Audiences Will Love by Forbes. 

This is one of the best podcasting resources you'll find about starting a branded podcast. Fourteen members of the Forbes Agency Council shared their opinions on setting up a successful branded podcast.

2. How to Start a Branded Podcast by Disctopia. 

You need to learn how to forge a long-lasting relationship with your audience as a business; that's the focus of this piece. You'll see examples of businesses running a branded podcast and why they are successful at it.

3. Why Your Company Should Start a Branded Podcast in 2022 by Disctopia. 

If you are still wondering whether you should start a branded podcast or not, this is the resource you need. The content is aimed at helping businesses take advantage of the immense opportunity offered by branded podcasts.

4. How To Launch a Branded Podcast in 2021 by Einstein Marketer. 

Branded podcasts are exploding, an ample opportunity for businesses right now. Take a cue from these resources and shoot for the stars.

Podcast Marketing Guide

Whether regular or branded, once you start a podcast, you'll have to find a way to put it out there in front of your audience. Get started with podcast marketing with any of these best podcasting resources;

1. How to Promote a Podcast in 2022 by Disctopia. 

This is your best shot at leveraging numerous marketing tools to promote your podcast. This is not one of those guides that list out strategies; this one is in-depth enough to help build and retain an audience.

2. The Ultimate Guide to Promoting a Podcast in 2022 by Influencer Marketing Hub. 

This one is for those that have never promoted a podcast. Think of it as a starting place for new podcasters and a refresher course for even established podcasters. It's time to put the icing on your podcast marketing in 2022.

3. Podcast Marketing Strategy: The Ultimate Guide to Grow Your Audience by UPQODE. 

We intended never to share anything with strategy in the title as part of our best podcasting resources, but if you study this one, you'd know it's worth it. It's time to cross-promote your podcast, shall we?

Best Podcasting Courses

We've been getting these questions from podcasters; "which online courses or training on podcasting can you recommend?" There are plenty of these online courses; you have to know the ones to pick.

1. Power-Up Podcasting by Pat Flynn

Most of the established podcasters today have, at a point, relied on Pat Flynn's Smart Passive Income blog to learn about podcasting. In 2017, Pat launched a signature course thorough enough to help you get your podcast show off the ground.

2. Create Your Podcast Bootcamp by Krystal Proffitt

This is a free, five-day video series to hold podcasters by hand, taking them through the fundamentals of starting a podcast. You'd learn all it takes to start, launch, and market a podcast. There's also a crash course on picking out podcasting equipment and creating content consistently.

3. Udemy Podcasting Masterclass

Phil Ebiner and Ravinder Deol lead this course, and it's about taking advantage of modern marketing skills to grow your business through podcasting. In this course, you'll learn how to edit your podcast, monetize your podcast, and reach more listeners.

Final Takeaways 

These best podcasting resources will be put to good use if you have a trusted podcast host to help launch your podcast and keep the fire burning. If that's what you need, then Disctopia is the lifelong partner you'll need.  

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