How to Win Big in the Independent Artists Industry

  • 3 min read
  • Dec 07, 2020
Ask any successful independent artist today; the road to where they are today was grumpy and rough. There are days you'll find it difficult to fuel the band van to get to their next gig in town. Expect days when your equipment gets stolen after a show or a bandmate bailing on you a few hours to a gig. Of course, you should not expect that it will be all rosy when you set out—especially being an indie artist with limited human and financial resources at your disposal. Successful independent artist The reality is that numerous independent artists are supposed to have found their voice in the industry. However, they keep investing their time and creativity into endeavours that can't make them a name or money in the industry. While there's no definite course to success, we've brought together time tested and proven ways of being a successful independent artist.

1. It's Up To You To Promote Your Music

Let's be frank; no one is expecting your music. To attain success in the independent artist industry, you have to bring your music to your prospective fans' reach. Approach music marketing with the same vigour as the artists you adore and admire. It has even become more comfortable for you to market your music in the age of the internet. Leverage technology to take your music to the world. It's an act of irresponsibility to

2. Use The Internet and Its Tools To Your Advantage

Start by having your website and domain name where you can use in promoting your shows and music. Ensure you have a noticeable presence on Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram. Don't forget to provide easy access to your music on Disctopia, Youtube, and other music sharing platforms. In all of this, do not over commit yourself and your time to social media.

3. Go Outside The Box

You've got to go outside of the box if you intend to succeed as an indie artist. You may have to arrive for gigs outside of venues that cater to your genre of music. Don't be afraid of branching out a bit from your comfort zone. There's a sea of new fans out there who are ready to hear and love your music. It can be school parties, festivals, fairs, weddings, and more. Approach each of these gigs as an avenue to win new followers and fans.

4. Listen and Learn Beyond Your Genre

Start by listening to music outside of your genre; there's always a lesson in every track you hear. Good and bad, you can pick lessons from this music. The idea is that there's often a lot to learn from other genres of music. You are likely to find a reservoir of rhythm, melodies, and beats to experiment with. With this, you can make a unique sound. Know that the future of music is about mixing the old and new.

5. Don't Ever Stop Making Music

To be a successful independent artist, you have to make music continually. There will be times when you'll have to take stock but learn to get yourself back into a creative form. Never make the mistake of quitting; neither should you tell anyone that your music is good. This language is a cliché, and your music may be treated as wacky if you go about saying you make good music.

Final Thoughts on Being a Successful Independent Artist

There's no secret of success anywhere. The key lies in hard work, consistency, and the right mindset. To make all of these work for you, you need to put in your best effort creatively. With this, you are closer to your goal of being a successful independent artist.

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