How to Brainstorm Excellent Podcast Ideas and Topics

  • 7 min read
  • Mar 4, 2024
Podcast Ideas So, you’re starting a podcast. That’s great! Podcasting is one of the most popular ways to share your message with a growing audience. It’s also an excellent way to build credibility. With it, you can establish yourself as an authority in your industry. Having splendid podcast ideas will increase your chances of success. It’s essential to have a solid plan for how you will generate ideas. But what if you don’t know where to start? In this post, we’ll discuss how to brainstorm exceptional podcast ideas and topics. This way, your podcast has the best chance of success.

How to Create a Podcast Idea for Your Show

These are the best ways to brainstorm podcast ideas:

Research Using Google

Google is your best friend when looking for answers to any question. This includes how to create a podcast topic. You can use Google to search for topics that interest you and see what shows up in the results. Suppose there are already hundreds of podcasts about a specific niche. It might not be worth creating another one. But if no one has covered that topic yet (or if there are only a few), then it may be a good idea for you to fill in the gap.

Whiteboarding Podcast Topics

If you need help coming up with podcast topics, try whiteboarding them. This is taking a blank piece of paper and writing down all the ideas that come to mind. If you can’t think of anything, write down general topics like “business” or “life hacks.” Then brainstorm ways to apply those topics to your show. For example, suppose your topic is “business.” Then think about what kinds of problems people in business are dealing with. You can tell them how they might solve those problems by applying specific hacks!

Journaling to Get Podcast Ideas

One of the best ways to get podcast ideas is to write about them. Journaling might not come naturally if you’re not a writer by trade. But if it does, then consider writing in your journal each day. You might journal on the train ride from work or while enjoying some quiet time in the morning. When you’re done journaling, look at what you wrote down. Does anything stand out as being interesting? If so, that might be a good idea for how to create a podcast topic.

Interaction with Fellow Podcasters

Are you part of a local or online community of podcasters? There’s an endless supply of podcast ideas at your fingertips. When you get together with other podcasters, ask them what they plan to cover in their next episode. Consider recording a live show. Here, everyone talks about the topics they have planned for their shows. This also teaches you how to create a podcast topic with ease.

Blogs/Podcasts/YouTube Videos/Magazines Related to Your Business/Industry

There's a diamond mine of podcast topics in your industry waiting for you to find them. If you’re a fitness podcaster, you can use Google to find materials related to your business. Read through them and see if any topics haven’t been covered yet. Also, check if you can expand these podcast ideas using personal experiences. You could also take a page from their book by creating something similar on your show.

Use Facebook Groups to Brainstorm Ideas

Facebook Groups are a great way to get in touch with people in your niche and get ideas for new content. You can use Facebook Groups to find industry bloggers, podcasters, and YouTube creators. Find active creators and ask them what’s working for them. If you’re looking for inspiration, you can also search the “Suggestions for You” section. This will pull up posts from other members who have been getting group engagements. This is a good indicator of what podcast topics are popular now.

Survey Your Audience and Know What They Want

Knowing how to create a podcast idea involves understanding your target audience. This is where surveys come in. Conducting a survey helps you determine the most critical topics for your listeners. You can also gather more information about them. Information like age, gender, location, and income level are crucial. You can also use surveys to determine what content types people prefer. Do they like video or audio? Do they want weekly episodes or daily ones? Armed with this information, you’ll understand how to create podcast ideas for your audience. Survey your audience before you record episodes and again after you publish them. This way, you can adjust your strategy if there are changes in your audiences' preferences.

Read Books Relating to Your Topic

You might think books are outdated. After all, we live in an age of visual content. So, how can reading books help you brainstorm podcast topics? First, books are a great way to learn about unfamiliar topics. Do you want to create content for a specific audience? Then reading books can help you understand their needs and interests better. For example, suppose you plan on podcasting about parenting or education issues. Then read books that focus on these topics. This will give you insights into what people want from such podcasts. Podcasting books are also great for beginners. This is because they can help you get started with the basics of podcasting. They often contain tips on recording and editing your podcast. They give general advice on creating an engaging show people want to listen to. Finally, reading books about podcasting can help you develop your ideas for a show. You can also use them to improve upon ones that already exist.

A Total Change of Scenery

Sometimes, a change of environment is all you need to know how to create a podcast idea. If you’re stuck on what to talk about, go for a walk in the park. If there are interesting people, try talking to them. They might have any stories or opinions worth sharing. Alternatively, let's say you need help with topics that interest you. Then look at the world around you. What makes it tick? How do things work? Why do people do the things they do? You can explore these questions through podcasts, and they require little research. Changing scenery can also help you get inspired. If you’re having trouble with topics, try going for a walk in the park or visiting an art exhibit. It may help you see things differently and give your brain time to relax and be more creative later.

Create a list of potential guests

Having guests on your podcast is a great way to promote your show and interest people. Ideally, you want to have a few guests who can cover as many topics as possible. For example, suppose you’re hosting an interview-style podcast. Then invite people from different parts of the world or with varying professional backgrounds. This way, listeners don't just listen for entertainment—they also learn something new.

Final Thought

Brainstorming podcast ideas isn’t as hard as it might seem. Start with a topic you’re passionate about and then brainstorm ways to expand on it. You can also find inspiration in other podcasts. You can also use keywords like “business podcast” on Google Trends. This shows you what people are searching for.  

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