How Do I Start a Podcast For Schools and Education Systems

  • 7 min read
  • Mar 4, 2024
Until the pandemic, we've not realized the need for flexibility in education. The pandemic made us recognize the flaws inherent in our current education models. That's why we are interested in providing answer of how do I start a podcast for education. We are now at that point where our educators and learners need to embrace new methods of instruction to keep learning without a need for a specific location and time. We are not downplaying the importance of in-person learning; it has served numerous generations. However, technology has made tools available to enhance and improve the learning process—this range from video conferencing, online learning platforms, and now podcasts for education. Look at what Vicki DavisJennifer GonzalezDr Sarah Thomas and other educators are doing with education podcasts. It's a semblance of what the future of learning will assume. At Disctopia, being one of the most popular podcast platforms, we've seen what the future of education will be like. That's why we are making our podcast listening app ready to key into the school of the future. Recently, we announced our partnership with the Charleston South Carolina Schools to build a podcast education system. Podcasting isn't just ballooning in our education sector; it has crept into our everyday lives. In this piece, we'll be focusing on how to start an education podcast;

Should I Start a Podcast For Education? 

If you are still in doubt and asking, "should I start a podcast for education" the response is YES. But there's more, and you need to think about a 25% to 60% increase in retention rates due to education podcasts. In this section, we'll be dwelling on the immense benefits of using podcasts in the classroom as a method of instruction

Longer Attention Span

Outside of the increase in retention rate, one of the benefits of podcasting in education is the attention it generates. Today, an average student finds it difficult to spend 30 minutes reading or watching a recorded lecture. A text and video require full attention; sit doing only a single thing. However, podcasts in education allow students to listen to lectures while involved in other activities. Podcasts can be listened to on the bus, gym, or house chores. In contrast, a student may be disinterested after 2 or 3 minutes of text and video, while podcasts can retain attention for an hour. One of the most popular podcasts in the world is about the History of World War Two, which runs for about 3 hours.

Podcasts Build Confidence and Literacy

Podcasts allow students to listen to complex texts conversationally and formally. There's even a lot of opportunity for students learning English as a Second Language to build up their literacy skills. For young learners, word recognition is a crucial skill that must be learnt. Listening to comprehension is a vital component of learning. Podcasts can aid understanding, helping to build confidence and other literacy skills.

Make Up For Missed Learning

Not every student miss classes because they are lazy. There are students who miss classes due to being sick, and that's why a podcast comes in. They can access the missed lectures through podcasts and catch up with the rest of the class. As an instructor who will be unable to attend classes, a podcast can also be made ahead to cover the topics.

How to Use Podcast in Education

There are different content types you can create with a podcast in education.
  • Lectures

Teachers can record their lectures as a podcast to be presented to students. You can use a podcast to explain complex concepts and theories to your student outside the classroom environment. These can also be an avenue to highlight the week's content and top research on the topic.
  • Reflections

Aside from lectures, you can also rely on podcasts to create reflections by giving feedback or assignments. You can see this as a dialogue between a student and a student.
  • Fieldtrips

You can also expose students to learning locations outside of the classroom. Through a podcast, students can get hands-on experience with their environment and peers.

How Do I Start A Podcast For Education?

We want you to be one of the early adopters of podcasting in education; that's why we are paying attention to your question of how do I start a podcast for education. There's no time you cannot start a school podcast, even in the middle of the school year. To start a school podcast, follow these four steps;

1. Be Committed To Starting a Podcast

There should be a reason you'd like to start a podcast for education. Outside of having a reason for starting a podcast, there's also the time and resources required by a podcast for education. That's why we encourage you to identify why you'd like to start a podcast and identify the goals you'd like to achieve. Another commitment will be to delegate someone to coordinate the podcast, not like a host, though. Make sure it's someone who knows about podcasting.

2. You Need to Have a Plan

Not to sound cliché, but you are always telling your student that if they fail to plan, they have planned to fail. The same thing applies to starting a podcast for education; without proper planning, the podcast will likely not fly. You need to identify your learners or their parents who you're targeting. At this point, you will choose the content structure and the frequency of your podcast. Then you can move on to selecting your podcast host write out an introduction and ending for each episode.

3.Know What Other Education Podcasts Are Doing

To make the best out of your podcast for education journey, you need to know what others are up to. There are a lot of schools with podcasts now; look into what they are doing and how you can replicate their successes. Review these schools' podcasts identify the gaps you can fill, making your podcast for schools better. You need to make sure that you offer something unique, not just another podcast for school.

4. Choose and Invest Into The Right Tools

When it comes to a podcast, you cannot compromise with the audio. You are giving your target audience a voice that lacks a video and image, which means the audio should be top-notch. Not to worry, choosing the equipment needed to start a podcast is not difficult. We have a rich resource that can be helpful in this area. You'll need a computer, microphone, headphones, and recording software. With these four, you're ready to record your school's podcast.  

Key Takeaway

Note that the best podcast for education is meticulously and carefully planned. Ensure that you record high-quality audio since your audience will be learners who cannot be distracted. With all these in place, you are indeed ready to start a podcast for your school. Reach out to us as Disctopia; we can help you get your podcast for schools off the ground.