
Upload, Manage, & Monetize Your Audiobooks with Ease

Discover seamless audiobook management. Easily upload, organize, and monetize your audiobooks to maximize your reach and revenue.

Learn More

Upload Your Audiobooks

Simplify your audiobook upload and management process. All the best features in one convenient platform.

  • Upload All Audio Files At Once
  • Add Audiobook Covers
  • Manage Audiobook Series
Upload Audiobook!

Monetize Your Stories

Maximize your audiobook sales potential by offering them directly through Disctopia, providing access to a vast and diverse audience.

  • Set Prices
  • Manage Sales
  • Receive Fast Payouts
Start Monetizing!

Analyze Audiobook Metrics

Gain valuable insights into your audiobook’s performance with our advanced analytics tools.

  • Analyze Audience Engagement & Demographics
  • Track Downloads
  • Assess Platform Engagement Metrics
  • Get Earnings Reports
Upload Audiobook!

What Our Users Say

Photo James L.

“Publishing my audiobook on Disctopia has been a game-changer. The upload process is easy, and the analytics help me understand my audience better than ever. My sales have significantly increased!"

Photo Sarah B.

“The ability to manage all my audiobook series in one place is fantastic. The support team is incredibly helpful. Detailed analytics have helped me improve my marketing strategies and achieve better results."

Photo Emily D.

“As an independent author, I was looking for a way to monetize my audiobooks effectively. Disctopia not only made it easy to upload and sell my work but also provided valuable audience insights. Highly recommended!"

Photo Sarah B.

“The ability to manage all my audiobook series in one place is fantastic. The support team is incredibly helpful. Detailed analytics have helped me improve my marketing strategies and achieve better results."

Photo Emily D.

“As an independent author, I was looking for a way to monetize my audiobooks effectively. Disctopia not only made it easy to upload and sell my work but also provided valuable audience insights. Highly recommended!"

Upload Your Audiobook Now!

Join our vibrant community of audiobook creators and embark on a journey to share your captivating stories with the world!


Have questions? We have answers!

Disctopia offers a simple and secure payment option. Currently, we only provide direct payment to a verified bank account. This ensures that you receive your earnings quickly and safely. To set up your payment details, please follow these steps:

  1. Log In: Sign in to your Disctopia account.
  2. Navigate to Account Settings: Go to the "Account Settings" section.
  3. Add Payment Information: Enter your verified bank account details in the designated fields.
  4. Verify Your Account: Follow any additional verification steps required to ensure your bank account is properly verified.

Once your account is verified, payments will be processed directly to your bank account. If you have any questions or need assistance with setting up your payment information, please contact our support team.

You can track your audiobook's performance through our comprehensive analytics dashboard, which provides detailed insights into audience engagement, download statistics, listener demographics, and more.

These analytics dashboards offer comprehensive data to help you understand how your audiobook is resonating with your audience and inform your marketing and content strategies for optimal results.

Setting the price for your audiobook on Disctopia is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

  1. Log In: Sign in to your Disctopia account.
  2. Upload Your Audiobook: If you haven't already, upload your audiobook file to your account.
  3. Navigate to Pricing: Go to the "My Content" section and select the audiobook you wish to price.
  4. Set Your Price: In the pricing field, enter your desired price. You can choose any amount that reflects the value of your audiobook.
  5. Save Changes: After setting the price, save your changes to ensure that the new price is applied.

Repeating these steps allows you to adjust the price at any time. When setting your price, consider your target audience and market trends to maximize sales and reach.