5 Real-Life Lessons About Independent Music

Real-Life Lessons About Independent Music

Music finds a way to touch, shape, and mold our lives in ways more than one. There’s a lot music does to us and much to learn from it. Looking at the struggles, successes, and errors indie artists make, there are always real-life lessons about independent music to apply to different areas of our lives. […]

The Next Big Thing in Independent Music

The independent music industry is taking shape and evolving faster than ever. Every year, there is a new platform, shaping how fans consume music. Today, technologies have put creative tools in the hands of people who don’t use to have such access. All of these have made predicting the future of independent music quite a […]

The Biggest Problem With Independent Music, And How You Can Fix It

While it’s common knowledge that the music industry is not receptive to new artists, there are also problems peculiar to just independent music artists. On the surface, the biggest problem facing independent music is the quest to conquer the music industry. It’s a tall order, but there is already a power shift. Looking deeper, the […]